Reaching a high speed of 367.4 kilometer per hour (kph), G-Power’s M5 Hurricane RS was ready to break the record and have become world’s fastest saloon automobile in 2008. however G-Power didn't stop at that and went more still, taking the record to an all-time high of 372 kph. And G-Power created it potential with an evolved version of the automobile whose record they break: the M5 Hurricane RR.

Now, M5 Hurricane RR’s V10 engine with twin supercharger aspiration is combined with BMW’s full-size coupe ensuing to a four-seater that is perhaps the fastest within the world: the G-Power BMW M6 Hurricane RR. G-Power BMW M6 Hurricane RR has an 800 hp at seven five hundred to eight 000 rpm. high speed is 228 mph and may go from 0-100 kph in beneath four.35 seconds.